Friday 5 September 2008

High Levels Of Metals Found In Ayurvedic Medicines Purchased On The Internet

A study published in the August 27 issue of JAMA
finds that of several Ayurvedic medicines purchased on the Internet,
about 20% have intolerably high levels of principal, mercury, or arsenic.

Ayurvedic medicines - based on a traditional medical system unremarkably
used in India - are employed by a majority of India's 1.1 one million million
population as well as peoples from South Asia and other
localities. Robert B. Saper, M.D., M.P.H., (Boston University
School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center) and colleagues write
that, "Since 1978 more than 80 cases of lead poisoning associated with
Ayurvedic practice of medicine use get been reported worldwide." Some ayurvedic
medicines are herbal tea only, while others are considered rasa shastra -
an ancient practice of mixing herbs with metals (such as mercury, lead,
iron, atomic number 30), minerals (such as isinglass), and gems (such as pearl). Experts
maintain that rasa shastra methods and medicines are safe and
therapeutic if prepared and administered properly. However, the metal
content in Ayurvedic medicines sold on the Internet and in those
manufactured in the United States has been unknown.

The study conducted by Saper and colleagues was designed to determine
the extent of detectable lede, mercury, or arsenic levels in Ayurvedic
medicines available on the Internet and to compare it to the prevalence
of toxic metals between U.S. and Indian-manufactured products. The
researchers analyzed both rasa shastra and non-rasa shastra medicines.
The investigation began with an Internet search using the keywords
"Ayurveda" and "Ayurvedic music." This light-emitting diode to 673 products, 230 of
which were Ayurvedic medicines that were randomly selected for purchase
between August and October 2005. Researchers recorded information on
the land of the manufacturer and Web site supplier, rasa shastra
position, and claims of Good Manufacturing Practices. Techniques such as
x-ray photograph fluorescence spectrum analysis were employed to measure levels of
metals. Of the 230 selected products, 193 were received and analyzed.

About 20.7% of the products contained metals - 21.7% of
U.S.-manufactured products and 19.5% of Indian-manufactured products.
Compared to non-rasa shastra products, rasa shastra medicines were more than
than twice as likely to hold back detectable metals and had higher
concentrations of pencil lead and mercury. Ninety-five percentage of
metal-containing products were sold by U.S entanglement sites - 75% claimed Good
Manufacturing Practices. Every cartesian product that contained metal exceeded at
least 1 criterion for acceptable daily metallic element intake. The authors spell
that, "Several Indian-manufactured rasa shastra medicines could resolution
in lead and/or hg ingestions century to 10,000 times greater than
acceptable limits."

"A 2005 Institute of Medicine report terminated that 'the regulatory
mechanisms for monitoring the condom of dietary supplements � [should]
be revised. The constraints imposed on FDA [U.S. Food and Drug
Administration] with respect to ensuring the absence of inordinate
risk associated with the use of dietary supplements make it difficult
for the health of the American public to be adequately protected,"
conclude Saper and colleagues. "New FDA regulations and current Indian
policies do non specify any maximum acceptable concentrations or daily
venereal infection limits for metals in dietary supplements for domestic use. We
suggest strictly enforced, government-mandated day-to-day dose limits for
toxic metals in all dietary supplements and requirements that all
manufacturers demonstrate conformation through sovereign third-party

Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic in US- and Indian-Manufactured
Ayurvedic Medicines Sold via the Internet

Robert B. Saper; Russell S. Phillips; Anusha Sehgal; Nadia Khouri;
Roger B. Davis; Janet Paquin; Venkatesh Thuppil; Stefanos N. Kales

JAMA (2008). three hundred[8]: pp. 915-923.
Here to View Abstract

Written by: Peter M Crosta

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

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